Kenton Vizdos
I'm a developer in Richmond, VA studying full stack web development
I'm a developer in Richmond, VA studying full stack web development
I'm Kenton Vizdos, a developer in Richmond, VA with a passion for creating full-stack applications with a focus on accessibility (a11y) and security. Whenever I have some free time, you can find me tinkering with new technologies and building solutions to real-world problems with Golang.
Over the past few years, I've designed full-stack applications for businesses and continued my studies in cyber security.
This is awarded to a K-12 student who has demonstrated a meaningful impact on the technology ecosystem in Richmond.
Watch the announcementPrograms must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.
Yoga Your Way
The Haunt
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If you're looking for a web developer, let's chat and see if I'm right for you.